Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Painting of My Life

There's a lot of colors on your brushes
And you only have one canvas to go on..
Once you put your brush to paint on it,
You can't take the colors back
neither erase it.

People around you
are the people who help you draw the painting of your life..
Some were blue..
Some were red..
Some were green..
Some were yellow...
and sometimes they are black...

If there were some people who throw some spots on your painting,
Don't you spill all the black color on it because you are mad...
Those spots won't worth more than the other colors

They come not for 'screwing' your painting
They come to make it much more worth than before
And you just need to believe that the painting of your life is worth a lot.

If you don't even believe that it is worth a lot,
How can people trust you that IT IS worth a lot!!

Believe in yourself..
And you'll see you have a lot of buyers on the waiting list..

Author : Josephine..
hey,,, it's me! :D

Friday, November 28, 2008

Dear Agha... :D

Aku cuma mau bilang De'..

Yang hilang itu masih bisa kembali kok...

Asal kamu mau menemukannya lagi
dan kemudian setelah itu menjaganya dengan baik ....

iya kan???

Life goes on...
It's time to step ahead..

Jason Mraz - Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat) Mp3 Codes

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop”
- Confucius -

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"SOULMATE..." (and now I have the answer... - edited version - )


Satu kata ini benar-benar menarik perhatianku dari sekian ucapan dan curhatan Agha mahasiswi 2008 kepadaku, “mami”nya ini (katanya dia nganggep gue maminya bo’... wkwkwkwkwkw.. belum tau dia kalo gue ini sebenernya sangat keBAPAKan sekaleeeee! Wkwkwkwkwkw)

Kata yang sebelumnya sebenernya pernah kudengar dari orang lain ini beberapa waktu lalu sebelum sore itu, tapi entah kenapa tanpa kusadari kata itu tiba-tiba baru menjadi satu kata penting yang luar biasa dalam hidupku kemarin..


Oh ya?


Bahwa ternyata..
Ternyata itu jawabannya..
Mengapa aku bisa begini...
dan mengapa aku bisa begitu...

wow... aku sendiri takjub aku bisa aneh banget gitu..

Sebelum ke situ,
aku mau cerita dulu nih tentang apa itu soulmate..
Aku memberanikan diri bertanya kepada beberapa orang tentang apa dan bagaimana soulmate itu menurut cara pandang mereka masing-masing...

Mau tau jawabannya???
Well.. begini nih kata mereka.... :

masih bingung juga sih,
banyak konsep.
Tapi menurutku
soulmate itu..
orang yang bisa berbagi
dan tau apa yang dibutuhin soulmatenya
even without saying a word.....”

Begitu pendapat salah seorang teman saya yang telah menemani saya dalam dunia perchattingan selama ini (dengan sedikit editan karena bahasa dia tuh aslinya dingin banget... brrrr....

hihihihhii... Trima Kasih Ubrut-ubrut... :D)

Adalagi yang konyol abis begitu aku tanyain, “Menurutmu, Soulmate itu apa?”
Dan dia dengan tanpa merasa bersalah menjawab,
“Soulmate yos???
Soulmate ya... ??
Soulmate ituuuu....
Ya belahan jiwa lah yos....! hehehhehe”


“Ya iyalah... itu mah gue juga taoooo!” dalem ati mengumpat sama Bendot, teman chattingku yang lain tapi sama uniknya dengan yang pertama ini.. hehehe dasar.. tapi Thank’s, Ndot! :D)

Pertanyaan keduaku adalah, “Siapa sih yang bisa jadi soulmatenya seseorang?? Dan wajar ga ada ketergantungan antar soulmate menurut kalian?”

Ubrut-ubrut dengan jujur menjawab,
“Dunno, I haven’t found one.
Maybe husband,
I dunno...
Mungkin iya,
Soalnya kalo kita udah menemukan dan hilang,
Kita jadi kehilangan arah...”

Salah seorang kenalan saya yang lainnya lagi, yang saat ini sedang bekerja di Jepang bagian industri pembuatan suku cadang mobil dan kendaraan bermotor dengan cukup arif berkata...
“Soulmate kan ga harus pacar bu,
Siapapun bisa jadi soulmate mu..
Karena soulmate itu kan seperti kepingan jiwamu yang tinggal di dalam orang lain...
Dan orang lain itu bisa siapa saja..
Suami, istri, sahabat.. bahkan orang yang tadinya ga kamu kenal sama sekali atau siapapun yang ga disangka-sangka ternyata mereka adalah soulmatemu,
itu bisa aja kan???”

Iya ya,
Gue ngangguk-angguk...
setuju banget...
Bener.. bener...
bener kata dia...

Dan dia lanjut lagi,
“Dan Soulmate itu bagian yang sangat penting dalam hidupmu.
Wajar kalo soulmate jadi tergantung satu sama lain.
Karena begitu kamu kehilangan dia,
Itu sama dengan kamu kehilangan kepingan jiwamu yang berharga..
Yang tersisa jadi ga utuh lagi kan???
Nah.. Kalo itu terjadi..
Kamu akan lebih dekat dengan kematian...”

Hmm... agak aneh..
Tapi.... iya juga ya??
Kalo kita kehilangan soulmate kita,
Kita bakal kehilangan arah seperti yang ubrut-ubrut bilang tadi,
Dengan gitu, bakal lebih suram hidup kita donk...?
Karena kita ngerasa hidup kita udah ga utuh lagi..
Mungkin itu maksudnya kematian kali ya?? Bener juga..
Bener... bener...

Tapi dia lanjut lagi...
“Jadi kalo kita ga mau mati,
Koyakkan lah jiwamu menjadi 7 bagian supaya soulmatemu banyak...
Jadi kalo 1 kepingan jiwa hancur kamu ga bakal mudah mati lho...”

Ini mule ga masuk akal....
Apaan sih mengoyakkan 7 bagian jiwa dan kalo 1 hancur ga mudah mati..?

“Maksudnya mas???” tanyaku dengan dahi mengernyit...

Jadi kaya Voldemort ngebuat 7 Horcrux itu lho.....”
(Dan aku langsung lebih “gedubrag!!!!!!”lagi waktu denger jawaban ini... hehehe. Tapi dia kemudian melanjutkan...)
“Horcrux itu kan ibarat soulmate-nya Voldemort tuh. Horcrux bisa terbuat dari apa saja, benda-benda yang tidak kamu duga sebelumnya (meskipun khusus untuk Voldemort kamu bisa mengira-ira pada akhirnya – dia nambahin) Tapi intinya sama kan Horcrux bisa terbuat dari apa saja? Dan Voldemort sangat tergantung dengan mereka supaya ia tidak mati. Ia akan sangat merasa kehilangan kalo salah satu Horcruxnya hancur.. Coba baca lagi waktu dia merasa amarah dan ketakutan yang luar biasa setiap Harry berhasil ngehancurin 1 per satu. Karena itu berarti jiwanya yang semula utuh sekarang tidak lengkap lagi.. Maka saranku yang paling bagus kalo kamu tidak ingin dekat dengan kematian alias menghindari kematian, punya aja 7 Horcrux kaya Voldemort, jadi jiwamu ga akan mudah mati...”

Dan gue Cuma bisa ngelus dada ngedenger jawaban panjang lebar itu..
Ternyata gue nanya ama penggemar Harry Potter...
Ya panteslah jawabannya aneh gitu! uh-oh...


aku setuju dengan semua perkataan mereka... meskipun beberapa dilontarkan dengan nyleneh... tapi sebenernya yang mereka katakan tidak ada yang salah menurutku..
Dan aku setuju dengan pendapat mereka semua..

Bahwa Soulmate itu bisa siapa saja,
Dan begitu kamu merasa kehilangan, sisa jiwamu menjadi tidak utuh lagi.
Kamu kehilangan arah...
Dan lebih dekat dengan “kematian...”
Itulah mengapa ada ketergantungan dan ikatan tidak terlihat yang bisa ada dalam dunia Soulmate ini.

(Sialnya Bendot dengan tanpa merasa bersalah smsin gue tanya meskipun becandaan :
“Kamu udah jadi lesbi ya? Hahahahaha....”

Dan responku langsung ... :
KURANG AJAR!!! BECANDA karena pernah baca ceritaku boleh deeh, tapi jangan yang sensitip donk. GUA itu NORMAL!!!!!! Lupa ya??? Dulu kita deket gara-gara aku kelimpungan curhat tentang cowo waktu aku lagi badai ma dia??? kamu kan yang paling tau jatuh-jatuhnya gue gara-gara cowo dan betapa seperjuangannya kita..!! PERLU GUE KAWIN DI DEPAN LU SEKARANG JUGA APA??? --- sambil ngebayangin parang, golok, silat, dll buat dia..

Untungnya kalimat selanjutnya membuatku memaafkan becandaannya dia itu sehingga segala pikiran2 busuk tadi terhempas deh,, ehehehe.. itu karena dia bilang,
”Ya wajar donk tergantung... Kan itu ibarat hati yang dibagi 2, kalo salah satu ga ada, tinggal setengah donk..?”

Hihihii.. tumben dia bisa ngomong serius gitu...
I appreciate it! :D )


Dan aku tiba-tiba jadi teringat lagi begitu Agha menunjuk pada seseorang ketika ia pamit pulang dan Agha nyeletuk yang aku yakin dia ga tau celetukan itu ngebuat otakku tiba-tiba berputar kenceng.. banyak lampu kemerlipan di kepalaku sampe aku ga tau mesti mulai mematikan dari lampu yang mana dulu,
dia nanya dengan polos...,
“Itu soulmatenya ya mba?”

Aku sempet yang.., “Apa?? Yang tadi barusan pulang?? Soulmate...?”

Agha yang bengong liat mukaku seolah aku baru pertama kali pernah denger kata Soulmate (padahal beberapa hari sebelumnya udah pernah denger dari orang lain meskipun jelas waktu itu lagi ngomongin orang lain lagi dan bukan langsung straight to the problem kepadaku), dia mengangguk ganjil, “Iya... yang barusan pulang..”

Dan aku langsung melotot riang gembirang (hahahaha apa ada kata gembirang?? )
Hendak mengatakan kepada seseorang bahwa ternyata itu jawabannya..
Kenapa aku jadi sempet manja banget karena begitu tergantungnya yang sebelumnya gue manja gitu bisa diitung pake jari tangan yang dibuntungin sebelahnya trus dibuang ke suatu tempat yang tak bisa ditemukan lagi sebenernya...
(dengan kata lain langka bangettt kalo gue bisa sampe manja.. dan begitu manja menjijikkan ternyata.. T.T


Bahwa ternyata dia itu memang soulmateku..
(Tanpa peduli aku pernah berkata seperberapa bagian dalam hidupku... Tampaknya kata soulmate jauh lebih tepat dibandingkan setengah atau Cuma seperempat....?
Seperempat, bayangin!!!)

Dan ternyata aku memang seperti dihantui kekhawatiran..
Karena aku sebenernya sedang membagi sesuatu yang sangat berharga bagiku kepada orang lain TANPA aku sadari..

Dan itu juga kenapa di bawah alam sadarku seperti ada
defense mechanicsm,
Seperti orang yang berusaha melindungi dirinya sendiri dengan cara-cara yang tidak akan dimengerti oleh orang lain selain dirinya (bahkan seringkali dirinya sendiri ga ngerti apa yang sedang dia lakukan)
bahkan orang lain akan menganggap aku menjadi tidak masuk akal,
terlalu banyak pikiran yang seharusnya tidak perlu dipikirkan,
terlalu banyak hal yang seharusnya tidak dipermasalahkan..
jadi sensitif...
banyak hal yang sebelumnya tidak krusial sekarang menjadi sangat prinsipil..

mereka tidak akan bisa mengerti...
bahwa aku telah berubah menjadi seseorang yang khawatir dan penakut guys.....

dan seperti membutuhkan suatu kepastian yang berkata ..
"Jangan khawatir yos.. Kamu berbagi dengan orang yang tepat kok... Kamu tidak perlu khawatir dan takut, karena aku akan menjaga hal yang berharga itu dari kamu...
I will keep it safely.."

karena BODOHNYA aku tidak mengerti semua hal-hal itu kemarin,
dampak yang terlihat adalah...

Aku jadi sering uring-uringan belakangan ini..
Sempet manja banget..
Sempet juga permasalahin hal yang menjadi prinsipil buatku karena berdasar dari ketakutan dan kekhawatiran yang tidak kusadari belakangan ini..

aku ngerti sekarang...
kenapa aku kemarin begini dan begitu...
Aku ngerti sekarang....!!!


Sayangnya... di saat aku sudah ngerti seperti ini,
rupa-rupanya kata dan perasaan itu memang tidak pernah tersampaikan.
Dan mungkin juga ga akan aku sampaikan secara khusus lagi padanya...

Aku seharusnya tau...

cepat atau lambat pasti ini akan terjadi...

dan aku harus siap dengan itu...

Although I said that I was happy,
but deep inside I was bleeding....

And they will never understand....



Aku kirim sms semalam pukul 23.23 WIB ketika iseng tanpa arah kutanyakan ini padanya (Agha),
“De’.., maaf ganggu.
Mau tanya,
Pernah ngerasa kehilangan soulmate cewe?”

Dia yang jelasss ga kenal banget gue ini, juga ga tau apa-apa tentang gue, menjawab dengan cukup bijak,
“Pernah mba.. tiap inget dia bikin rada-rada gila.
Ada yang hilang jelas..
Tiap dia muncul dan pergi lagi masih ga rela hwehehehe..
Aku ga gitu pengalaman, hehe dipikir2 juga ga akan kembali.
Beda segalanya.
Kenapa mba? Lagi inget masa lalu??”

Aku menjawab,
“Mau tau aja km. Ehehehe.. “

Aku diam,
Aku tanya lagi,
“Tapi pernah ga ngerasa nemuin soulmate,
Ngambil seperempat hidupmu,
tapi langsung kehilangan dia bahkan sebelum kamu ngomong dia soulmatemu,
itu semua dalam waktu kurang dari seperempat hari?”

Dan aku langsung sms lagi setelah itu...
“Ga usah jawab apa-apa de’..
Makasih banyak jawabannya yaaa?
Gbu ^^ “



Apa memang harus begini takdir orang-orang gila seperti saya..?

Seandainya sihir itu nyata...

Aku bakal rela dan pasti mau jadi Voldemort yang memecah jiwanya dalam 7 horcrux
supaya aku tidak terlalu takut dan khawatir ketika satu bagian hidupku hilang...

aku masih tetap merasa aman...
I will be okay...

meski dengan satu bagian saja aku sudah begitu ketakutan dan gelisah..

dan meski mungkin memang benar kata J.K Rowling...

"bahkan itu lebih buruk dari kematian itu sendiri...."

- The End -

"But you're so busy changing the world
Just one smile can change all of mine
We share the same soul.."

- Jack Johnson -

Christina Aguilera - Reflection Mp3 Codes

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Berhentilah Mengeluh...

Coba renungkan penyampaian ini sebelum Anda mulai mengeluhkan berbagai hal yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda…

01]. Hari ini sebelum Anda mengatakan kata-kata yang tidak baik,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak dapat berbicara sama sekali

02]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang rasa dari makanan yang Anda santap,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

03]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tidak punya apa-apa
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meminta-minta di jalanan.

04]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh bahwa Anda buruk,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang berada pada tingkat yang terburuk di dalam hidupnya.

05]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang suami atau istri Anda,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang memohon kepada Tuhan untuk diberikan teman hidup.

06]. Hari ini sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang hidup Anda,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meninggal terlalu cepat.

07]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang anak-anak Anda
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang sangat ingin mempunyai anak tetapi dirinya mandul.

08]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang rumah Anda yang kotor karena pembantu tidak mengerjakan tugasnya, Pikirkan tentang orang-orang yang tinggal dijalanan.

09]. Sebelum Anda mengeluh tentang jauhnya Anda telah menyetir,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang menempuh jarak yang sama dengan berjalan.

10]. Dan di saat Anda lelah dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaan Anda,
Pikirkan tentang pengangguran,orang-orang cacat yang berharap mereka mempunyai pekerjaan seperti anda.

11]. Sebelum Anda menunjukkan jari dan menyalahkan orang lain,
ingatlah bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang tidak berdosa,,,

12]. Kita semua menjawab kepada Sang Pencipta
Dan ketika Anda sedang bersedih dan hidupmu dalam kesusahan, tersenyum dan berterima kasihlah kepada Tuhan bahwa Anda masih hidup !

a. Life is a gift

b. Live it…

c. Enjoy it…

d. Celebrate it…

e. And fulfill it.

13]. Cintai orang lain dengan perkataan dan perbuatanmu

14]. Cinta diciptakan tidak untuk disimpan atau disembunyikan

15]. Anda tidak mencintai seseorang karena dia cantik atau tampan,
Mereka cantik/tampan karena Anda mencintainya,,,

16]. It’s true you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone,
but it’s also true You don’t know what you’ve been missing until it arrives!!!

Jadi……..berhentilah mengeluh, hadapilah manis pahitnya hidup dengan bersyukur terhadap semua yang telah Tuhan berikan….

Roses and Thorns

A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully, and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom and also the thorns. And he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?” Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it was ready to bloom, it died.
So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God- like qualities planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.
Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them.
One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others. This is the
characteristic of love, to look at a person, and knowing his faults, recognize the nobility in his soul, and help him realize that he can overcome his faults. If we show him the rose, he will conquer the thorns.
Our duty in this world is to help others by showing them their roses and not their thorns. Only then can we achieve the love we should feel for each other; only then can we bloom in our own garden..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Secret of Success

"Sir, What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank president.

"Two words"

"And, Sir,what are they?"

"Right decisions."

"And how do you make right decisions?"

"One word."

"And,sir,What is that?"


"And how do you get Experience ?"

"Two words"

"And, Sir,what are they?"

"Wrong decisions"

Sejarah ohh.. Sejarah..

Hari ini gue belajar sejarah.......

Tapi bukan sejarah evolusi makhluk hidup dari jaman ganggang sampe jaman Pitecanthropus erectus atau Homo sapiens nenek moyang kita itu ya..
(*sial ni foto.. mendiskreditkan wanita sekali... huh...)

Bukan juga sejarah tentang 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional yang dicanengin Logo : Indonesia Bisa! itu ma Mr. SBY...
Ini lebih ke arah belajar sejarah keluarga gue
gara-gara pertanyaan seorang teman yang nanya dan gue ga bisa jawab... ,
“Kok Chinese punya gelar jawa...?”

Aku cuma bisa terhenyak ngedenger pertanyaan itu dan ga ngerti mo jawab apa karena ternyata aku emang bener-bener ga ngerti, sodara-sodara!

Setelah dipikir-pikir aku emang ga pernah tertarik dengan cerita sejarah keluargaku dan bagaimana silsilah-silsilahnya yang gue ga ngerti banget gimana urut-urutannya... Pake acara trah-trahan segala dan garis-garis yang bener-bener bikin pusing waktu dulu aku pertama kali ngedengernya...

Tapi.. hari ini,
gara-gara pertanyaan salah satu temen chatku yang tiba-tiba tanya etnis dan keratonan sehingga aku mengungkap jati diriku dengan bloon,
FINALLY.... today the secret is REVEALED!!!

cerita ini ga penting buat kalian pembaca..
Tapi.. berhubung cerita ini cerita hidupku... aku ga mau cerita hidup silsilah keluargaku nantinya akan hilang dalam tumpukan kertas dan dimakan kutu busuk ato hilang dalam memory orang-orang sesepuh jaman dulu yang belum sempet disalurkan kepada keturunan-keturunannya :p

So hari ini gue tanya banyak hal pada salah satu sumber terpercaya, yaitu Papaku sendiri, dan juga dari buku sejarah tentang cerita hidup dan silsilah keluarga gue untuk diteruskan pada keturunanku kelak..

Secara silsilah aku gambarkan seperti ini,

Dimulai dari R. Sutawijaya yang mendirikan kerajaan Mataram yang sekarang menjadi Jogjakarta itu.. ampe tiba-tiba dengan ujug-ujug nyampe ke aku..

(Silsilah Martadiwangsa, klik untuk memperbesar :D)

Nahh.. bingung kan? Kok bisa tiba-tiba dari R. Jakasaputra punya nama juga The Tjong Shin?? (baca Te Cong Sin,, bukan Te Poci , sodara-sodara!)

Jadi ceritanya dulu itu ada orang asli Tiongkok yang datang ke tanah pribumi kita, khususnya wilayah Banyumas – Wirasaba, untuk berdagang yang bernama The Sam Kang. R. Mas Martadiwangsa selaku istilahnya panglima perang Wirasaba jaman dulu itu ternyata bersahabat baik sama The Sam Kang ini. Nah, The Sam Kang waktu itu ga punya anak apa ya? Lupa gue.. intinya The Sam Kang berniat mengurus salah satu anak R.M Martadiwangsa, dibawa pulang ke Tiongkok dan diaku anak di sana. Dan R.M Martadiwangsa pun menunjuk R. Jakasaputra untuk dibawa oleh The Sam Kang. Itulah mengapa dia punya nama The Tjong Shin juga... hehehehe

Nah trus? Udah dibawa ke Tiongkok trus gimana??

Setelah cukup lama di didik di sana, R. Jakasaputra kembali ke tanah pribumi yang tentu saja diterima oleh R.M Martadiwangsa sebagai anak kandungnya. Hanya kali ini R. Jakasaputra kembali dengan status sebagai pedagang dan tidak terlibat lagi di pemerintahan. Nama Chinese yang dia punya pun diteruskan pada keturunannya sampai kebijaksanaan dwikewarganeraan jaman pemerintahan Soekarno dihapuskan (makanya gue ga punya nama Chinese lagi.. hehe :p)

Lha trus?
Gue Jawa bener-bener Jawa donk harusnya?
Trus muka gue yang agak ke Chinese-an ini dapet dari mana??

Nah, bentar dulu...
Kalo itu tadi silsilah dari Kakekku, ternyata silsilah dari nenekku ada juga lho, yang ternyata.... sumbernya sama yaitu bersumber dari R. Sutawijaya

(Silsilah Kolopaking)

Nah, yang dibunder-bunderin biru itulah yang Tiongkok asli dan mewariskan gen Chinese ke muka gue ini.. Hehehehe :p (Bahkan sebelum bunderan itu kudengar Ki Kertowongso Sulaiman itu sendiri beristrikan anak jenderal China Tan Wan Swee yang dibuang oleh Kaisar Kien Long ke Nusantara pada jaman Dinasti Cing - Manchuria karena kudeta tak berdarah di negeri China.)

Sebenernya pernikahan antara Kakek dan Nenek ku pernikahan bersaudara donk??

Tapi jauh banget kali yah?
Kalo lengkapnya silsilah itu kira-kira kek gini... :

(Silsilah lengkap)

Pusing ga sih??
Aku aja pusing ngurutinnya!

Nah trus? Udah tau gini mo gimana yos??

Hmm.. gue juga ga ngerti mau diapain dan mau dibagaimanakan hehehe :D

Mungkin bener penuturan salah seorang teman saya,
“Itu untuk pengakuan kamu aja yos...”

Yahh.. namanya budaya sendiri, untuk selalu dipelihara dan jangan sampai hilang udah jadi kewajiban aku (jadi jangan suka ngomong gue – lo lagi yos.. tapi sekarang ngomonglah ni hao wo jiao cian cai tze...!!) :D

Maka disinilah aku berusaha memelihara pengetahuan ini dengan baik untuk diteruskan kepada keturunanku besok (entah siapa.. hiks... Bapaknya aja belum ada... T.T )

Saya jelassss bukan orang hebat!

Tidak berpangkat..
apalagi punya silat..
tapi jangan lupakan budaya yang dipegang sehingga kita ga lupa asal-usul kita aja..
ato lebih tepatnya biar saya ga lupa asal-usul saya


setelah sekian jam gue dengerin Papa nyeramahin ampe kuping pegel dan baca buku Sejarah Silsilah Wirasaba Banyumas ampe mata nyaris berbintit, tetep aja aku ga bisa leluasa jalan-jalan ke keraton jogja dan manggil Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X dengan sebutan “Om” seenaknya....


Sumber :
- R. Tirto Wenang Kolopaking. 2005. Sejarah Silsilah Wirasaba Banyumas – Ki Ageng Mangir Kolopaking Arung Binang. Jakarta : Trah Kolopaking
- Layang Kakancingan R. Hardjasaputra dalam bahasa Kawi (lebih tinggi dari Krama Inggil)
- Penuturan R. Herry Purwanto

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mereka Pikir Aku Suka...?

I don't wanna live in here if they called this place as "Home"...


Jurus Gombal.. Watch Out!

1. Tadi malam aku kirim bidadari untuk menjaga tidurmu. Eh, dia buru-buru balik. Katanya, 'Ah, masa bidadari disuruh jaga bidadari?' --- Huaaa!

2. Kalau kamu nanya berapa kali kamu datang ke pikiranku, jujur aja, cuma sekali. abisnya, ga pergi-pergi sih! --- bleeeh..!

3. Sempet bingung juga, kok aku bisa senyum sendiri. Baru nyadar, aku lagi mikirin kamu. --- WAKS!

4. Kalau suatu saat kamu hancurkan hatiku... akan kucintai kamu dengan kepingannya yang tersisa. --- Klepek klepek!

5. Berusaha melupakanmu, sama sulitnya dengan mengingat seseorang yang tak pernah kukenal. --- ribet ah...!

6. Kalau kamu ajak aku melompat bareng, aku ngga bakalan mau. Mending aku lari ke bawah, bersiap menangkapmu. --- gepeng daah!

7. Aku pernah jatuhkan setetes air mata di selat Sunda. Di hari aku bisa menemukannya lagi, itulah saatnya aku berhenti mencintaimu. --- jitak pletak!

8. Ga usah janjiin bintang dan bulan untuk aku, cukup janjiin kamu bakal selalu bersamaku di bawah cahayanya. --- uhuy..

9. Kalau kamu nanya mana yg lebih penting buat aku: hidupku atau hidupmu, aku bakal jawab hidupku. Eits, jangan marah dulu, karena kamulah hidupku. --- ..gubraks

10. Pertama ketemu, aku takut ngomong sama kamu. Pertama ngomong sama kamu, aku takut kalau nanti suka sama kamu. Udah suka, aku makin takut kalau jatuh cinta. Setelah sekarang cinta sama kamu, aku jadi bener2 takut kehilangan kamu. Kamu emang menakutkan! --- hwihihihi

11. Ketika hidup memberiku seratus alasan untuk menangis, kau datang membawa seribu alasan untuk tersenyum. --- gubraks lagi daah

12. Jika aku bisa jadi bagian dari dirimu, aku mau jadi airmatamu, yang tersimpan di hatimu, lahir dari matamu, hidup di pipimu, dan mati di bibirmu. --- maksut loh?!

13. Orang bilang bulan itu indah...tapi aku bilang tidak. Orang bilang planet venus itu cantik...tapi menurut aku tidak. Aku bilang bumi itu indah dan cantik...karena ada kamu. --- tepu bener deeh...

They Don't Know What To Say

A dear friend sent me this poem. It was written by Alice Kerr of Lower Bucks, PA. She is a member of the Compassionate Friends, an organization for parents who have lost a child. I thought Readers might benefit from its words.

"Now I know I never knew,
when you lost your child,
What you were going through.
I wasn't there,
I stayed away,
I just deserted you..

I didn't know the words to say,
I didn't know the things to do.
I think your pain so frightened me,
I didn't know how to comfort you.

And then one day me child died.
You were the first one there.
You quietly stayed by my side, listened,
And held me as I cried.
You didn't leave, you didn't go.
The lesson learned is . . . Now I know..."

The Color of Friendship

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best.
The most important.
The most useful.
The favorite.

Green said:
"Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."

Blue interrupted:
"You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."

Yellow chuckled:
"You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet:
"I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."

Red could stand it no longer he shouted out:
"I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."

Purple rose up to his full height:
He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."

Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."

And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.

The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.

Don't Change The World

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows' skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.

Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, "Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money ? Why don't you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet ?"

The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a "shoe" for himself.

There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story : to make this world a happy place to live, you better change yourself - your heart; and not the world...

That's Not My Job

This's a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody have done..

World AIDS Day - MTV Staying Alive Survey

Hey, Everyone!

In the run up to World AIDS Day - on December 1st, Staying Alive wants to know what your views are on HIV/AIDS.
To do this we have designed a survey to get your opinions and with your feedback it will help us to improve the content on the site as well as in our TV programming, so please take a few moments to take part and answer a few questions for us.

Click on the link below to get started and make your voice heard!
We really appreciate you taking the time to do this. Thank you for your help!

Click here to take the survey..
* Don't forget to check out the website next week, when we will be unveiling a new look site with fresh and exclusive content and features! *

MTV Staying Alive

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mengapa Saya Suka Bahasa Indonesia?

Bahasa Indonesia memang lebih nyaman.
Coba aja ngomong kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini... :

Bahasa Indonesia:
'Tiga nenek sihir melihat tiga buah arloji merk Swatch. Nenek sihir mana melihat arloji Swatch yang mana?'

Dalam bahasa Inggris:
'Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?

Yang lainnya...

Bahasa Indonesia:
'Tiga nenek sihir biseksual mengagumi kenop kenop dari tiga arloji Swatch.. Nenek sihir biseksual mana yang memandangi kenop arloji Swatch yang mana?'

Dalam bahasa Inggris:
'Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?

Pengin tahu, ternyata bahasa jawa juga gak kalah belibetnya dibanding bahasa Inggris gitu, loh :

Bahasa Indonesia :
Ketika saya kelas 2 (SD) , pembantu saya grosiran kalung dan (jualan) kolak dari (buah) kolang-kaling (sebanyak) 2 kilo di seberang sungai .. gitu,lho!

Bahasa Jawa (kawi) :
Kolo kulo kelas kalih kuli kulo kulak kalung kalian kolak kolang-
kaling kalih kilo kulon kali ..kae, lo! ..



Dear white man!!

When I'm born I am black...

When I grow up I am black..

When I go in the sun I am black..

When I feel cold I am black..

When I'm scared I am black...

When I'm sick I am black...

And when I'm dead I'm still black...!

But YOU, white man..!

When you are born you are pink..

When you are grow up you are white..

When you go in the sun you are red...

When you feel cold you are blue..

When you are scared you are yellow...

When you are sick you are green...

And when you die you are grey...

And now PLEASE tell me...


World AIDS Day Marks 20th Anniversary of Solidarity

World AIDS Day marks 20th anniversary of solidarity
By Sara Speicher

For Eric Sawyer, the late 1980s was a "war time situation". "People with AIDS were fighting for their lives and for their friends", says Sawyer, an AIDS activist and co-founder of ACT UP New York. By 1988, seven years after the first case of AIDS was reported, AIDS was causing more deaths in the US then there were in the Vietnam War, and between 5 and 10 million people were estimated to be infected with HIV around the world. Yet governments, media and society in general were not giving AIDS adequate attention. So, "people with AIDS had to literally take to the streets and block traffic and take over government buildings", Sawyer recalls.

Sawyer had been on the front lines of the AIDS epidemic since developing his first HIV-related symptoms in 1981, before AIDS was officially identified. For him and for thousands of other activists around the world, the formation of World AIDS Day in 1988 was one of the few moments in the year where the growing tragedy of AIDS would finally get attention around the globe.

Now at its 20th anniversary, World AIDS Day continues to be the focus of global solidarity for a pandemic that has led to over 25 million deaths with an estimated 33 million people currently living with HIV worldwide.

World AIDS Day was reportedly the brainchild of the late Jonathan Mann, at the time the director of the Global Programme on AIDS (GPA) at the World Health Organization. After positive reactions to the idea of World AIDS Day by over 100 health ministers at the January 1988 London gathering focused on AIDS and at the 1988 International AIDS Conference in Stockholm, the World Health Organization declared 1 December 1988 as the first World AIDS Day, which was recognised and supported by the UN General Assembly in October 1988.

"We wanted to provide a platform so that people who were working on the issue at any level could get involved", says Tom Netter, who worked with Mann as the head of the GPA's public information office. Fostering a sense of solidarity was paramount, says Netter, "so that people could do things at the grassroots level and feel part of the global response at that time."

Netter recalls that in 1988, despite the short planning time, an event was held in every member state. "That was eye opening", he said, "It showed that people wanted to have something that they could grab on to, to feel part of the overall response." In the World Health Organization itself, panels from the AIDS quilt were displayed. "People found that very moving . . . it showed the individuals affected."

Within three years, the activities around the day "became something that was going to happen spontaneously… People on the ground took off with it", says Netter.

Unique momentum

The energy behind World AIDS Day, and the activism that has characterised the response to AIDS among civil society, is unique.

Prior to AIDS, Netter states, "there wasn't really so much of an advocacy movement regarding diseases or people who were ill. AIDS really was the first that mobilised people."

It was the people most affected who brought the urgency, passion and accountability to the movement. Sawyer recalls, "Early on the most significant leadership was actually done by people with AIDS themselves".

Whilst early activists targeted authorities' slow response to AIDS, that didn't mean that scientists and activists were on opposite sides, says Professor Lars Kallings, the first president of the International AIDS Society, also founded in 1988. "If you think from the beginning, before there was any treatment, the doctors felt very helpless. They suffered by not being able to help their patients. Therefore, even scientists have been on the front lines, on the barricades, very often against the authorities, the government."

World AIDS Day has been a symbolic focus for this activism. It "gave people a sense that they were part of a larger movement than what they were involved in individually and locally", Netter states.

But this doesn't mean that one day is enough. "For me", says Frika Chia Iskandar, a young woman from Indonesia working with the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APN+), "it doesn't seem like 'World' enough, it is not public enough". For activists now, she reflects, the day itself doesn't make a difference when "our days are filled with AIDS". Yet, she emphasises, "For the public, though, it is at least one day where we think about AIDS, and it is still needed."

Greg Gray, an APN+ advisor who also carries a supporting role for the NGO delegation to the UNAIDS governing board agrees, "World AIDS Day has real value for raising awareness with the broader public. But when you are working with the grassroots community affected by HIV it doesn't connect as much. When you do it day in and day out, it becomes the norm. World AIDS Day is trying to get a bit of that message home to a much broader community."

Placing a spotlight on leadership

For Kallings, that broader community from the beginning included leaders. At times, the absence of leadership has been most apparent. "We had to push Ronald Reagan to get his tongue around AIDS", Kallings recalls. "That didn't happen until 1987 when tens of thousands of his countrymen had already died."

But Kallings also recalls early World AIDS Day events where presidents and royalty participated, such as in Tanzania and Thailand. "That puts the limelight on AIDS", he says, "and showed solidarity in the country."

The danger, as Matilda Moyo, a steering group member of the Pan Africa Treatment Action Movement, points out, is that World AIDS Day becomes a "cheap opportunity for governments to make promises that they fail to deliver on". Sometimes media only focus on covering government's statements on the day, she says, and fail to lift up what challenges there are according to civil society working with HIV and AIDS on a daily basis.

Kallings, who is currently the United Nations' Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, acknowledges that it "is a constant fight to get the leaders to leave the denial and indifference. One of my roles is to persuade leaders to use their power to influence the public concept because discrimination is very deep in the population and it will not change unless there is leadership."

The leadership required to address AIDS must come from all aspects of the community. "Leadership in HIV is nothing without political leadership", says Eunice Kapandura, a 25-year old positive youth activist from Zambia, yet adding, "when we talk of leadership we mean meaningful representation of the community." Archbishop Njongo Ndungane, founder and president of African Monitor, emphasises the role of religious leaders, who "should shout at the rooftops that AIDS is not a punishment from God but a medical condition which is preventable, manageable and treatable although not curable."

Within the AIDS advocacy movement, leadership has changed over these past 20 years, especially after the breakthrough in combination therapy, Sawyer says. Of the early activists who had been leading the fight, "a lot of them died, a lot of them went on to work full-time for AIDS organisations and after working 8-10 hours a day to provide care and support they no longer had time or energy for activism. And others who received treatment, they returned to their careers. That shifted leadership in both AIDS organisations on the frontline and government officials and researchers. " Even though the pandemic still affects every country in the world and rages in Sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS fatigue seems to have hit particularly Western media and society. "The passion that people brought to the epidemic has pretty much been lost", Sawyer reflects.

Chia Iskandar wants to see young leaders in the response, but it's not just about their age. "It's not about youth, but about new ideas… We need to be able to keep the idealism alive – the mutual energy, mutual knowledge transfers, knowing that we are fighting the challenges, fighting the virus, not fighting each other." She adds that one of the critical aspects of leadership is "'passing on the knowledge' from the leaders who have 'developed' themselves in the response to the new 'young' leaders and working together."

With young people now the population most affected, Moyo affirms, "We need leadership that is creative, young and vibrant and brings fresh ideas on how to tackle the global challenge."

What remains key is that those most affected lead the way. "For myself being a person living with AIDS", Sawyer states, "it would be important to strengthen leadership of people living with HIV and AIDS and the affected community."

From one day to a campaign

In 1996 when the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) became operational, it took over the planning and promotion of World AIDS Day. However, according to Anne Winter, head of advocacy and communication at the time, organisers soon felt that rather than only emphasise one day they wanted to encourage an extended effort over a long period.

Thus in 1997, the World AIDS Campaign was born, charged with focusing on longer-term messages and strategy. World AIDS Day became the highlight of a year-long emphasis.

With the campaign, Winter says, "we always tried to use issues that were innovative and would really move the agenda forward".

The themes chosen for the first two years – on children and young people – were in fact roundly criticised at the time. "People said this was just a way to get attention about the epidemic, that the epidemic is not about children", Winter recalls. But the theme highlighted that the extent and severity of the epidemic in the developing world was not widely known. "It was important to change the face of the epidemic and that people recognise it was a family disease and that children were very much affected by it in different ways."

In late 2004, the World AIDS Campaign became independent to broaden civil society ownership and participation. Based in South Africa and The Netherlands, the World AIDS Day theme is now chosen by its Global Steering Committee after a broad consultation with people involved in the response from all over the world. The themes often are repeated for two years to help get key messages home to the public and to leaders, and all of the themes are under the 2005-2010 campaign slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise." targeting political leaders' commitment to reach universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010.

Leadership needed now

Kallings acknowledges that the response to AIDS today is much better than it was 20 years ago, but far more action needs to be taken. "Last year it was three million on treatment. That is a remarkable success. But it is still only one-third of people needing urgent treatment. The current financial crisis is a threat to that successful trend. It very much calls for continued lobbying and pressure to continue to get enough financial support not only to maintain the current level but to increase it to three times more and include more preventative measures."

Sawyer notes that World AIDS Day "remains one of the few days where the world pays a lot of attention to AIDS". Yet, with people living longer because of anti-retroviral medicines and the many other global issues needing attention, it seems the news value has faded. Despite the Western media fatigue, Sawyer notes, "we still have over 8000 deaths a day, 2-3 million dying and millions of new infections each year". As part of a think tank called aids2031, Sawyer is thinking of another anniversary – the 50th anniversary of the identification of AIDS – and hoping that leadership at this 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day will mean those numbers are tragedies of the past.

The World AIDS Campaign, based in Cape Town and Amsterdam, supports, strengthens and connects campaigns that hold leaders accountable for their promises on HIV and AIDS. "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise" is the slogan for the World AIDS Campaign from 2005-2010.

March Meeting - IFMSA

We are pleased to announce that the upcoming :

The International Federation of Medical Student Association (IFMSA)
58th General Assembly March Meeting

will be held from the 3rd to the 9th of March 2009 in Hammamet, Tunisia,

and herewith invite you to apply to participate as a delegation of ISMKI Indonesia.

Kindly indicate your interest to attend this training by sending us the documents as followed :

1. Attached application form

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Motivation Letter

4. Funding plan

5. Follow up plan

6. Endorsement Letter from Student's Excecutive Board

All of the documents must be typed both in English and Bahasa and must be received by International Affair Dept of ISMKI before December 14th 2008, in order to arrange the early registration. Please send all the documents to hublu_ismki@

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further clarifications regarding the event.

further information, check out

Please note that all applicants must register via ISMKI ( individual application will be neglected )


International Affair Department of

Indonesian Medical Student's Excecutive Board Association ( IMSEBA )

Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia ( ISMKI )

Burhanuddin Arief Rahman (boerhan@gmail. com)

Krisna Tsaniadi Prihastomo (tsaniadi@gmail. com)


24th – 27th November 2008
Accredited 20 CME Hours Saudi Commission or Health Specialties

Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Dr. Abdul-Wahed Meshikhes
Chairman, Department of Surgery
King Fahad Specialist Hospital , Dammam , Saudi Arabia

Registration Fee: 300 SR for medical staff

SR 150 for nurses, trainees, and paramedics

For More Information :

Directorate of Academic Affairs and Training

No: (009663) 8431111 EXT: 6825/ 6878 Fax: (009663) 8421244

E- Mail: registration@ sa

Scientific Program

Symposium Sessions:



1st Day: a.m. & p.m. Sessions

25 November 2008


2nd Day: a.m. & p.m. sessions

26 November 2008

Liver & Biliary tracts

3rd Day a.m. sessions only

27 November 2008

Transplantation: liver

Evening Events:


Evening Event


24th November 2008; 8.30 p.m.

- Opening Ceremony.

- Venue: KFSH-D, Main Auditorium


25th November 2008; 8.30 p.m.

- Professor Hosein Shokouh-Amiri' s Lecture: "What Is New In Pancreatic Transplant"

Moderator: Dr. Mohammed Al-Sagheir, Dammam , Saudi Arabia

- Venue: Le Gulf Meridien Hotel, Al-Khobar


26 November 2008; 8.00 p.m.

- Gala Dinner, Sunset Beach


Invited Speakers:

National Speakers:

- Professor Mohammed Subayel:

Department of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary- Pancreatic Surgery (MBC-72), King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, P.O.BOX 3354, Riyadh 11211, Saudi Arabia.

- Dr. Mohammed Al Saghier:

Director, Organ Transplant Program, Consultant, Hepatobiliary & Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon, Multiorgan Transplant Program, King Fahed Specialist Hospital , Damamm , Saudi Arabia.

- Dr. Osama Al-Saif:

Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Department of Surgery, King Fahad Specialist Hospital , Dammam , Saudi Arabia .

International Speakers:

- Professor إke Andrén-Sandberg

Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital , Stockholm , Sweden

- Dr. Simon Olliff:

Radiology Consultant, Clinical Radiology Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK.

- Mr. Darius Mirza:

Consultant Hepato-Biliary & Liver Transplant Surgeon, The Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham , U.K.

- Mr. Mohammad Abu Hilal:

Consultant Hepatobiliary- pancreatic and Laparoscopic Surgeon & Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Southampton University, University Surgical Unit, F Level, Southampton General Hospital,Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6YD, UK.

- Professor Emmanuel E. Zervos:

Professor and Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology, East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine, 600 Moye Blvd., Greenville, NC 27834, USA.

- Professor Larry C. Carey

Deputy Chief of Staff and Associate Chief of Staff for Education, James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA.

- Professor Hosein Shokouh-Amiri:

Professor of Surgery, C0-Director of Willis Knighton/LSUHSC Regional Transplant Program, Director of Living Related Liver Transplant Program, LSUHSC-Shreveport , LA 71130, USA .

- Professor Ronnie Poon:

Professor of Surgery, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong, China.

- Professor Joseph Lau:

Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Honorary Consultant in Hepato-pancreato- biliary Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, and North District Hospital, Honorary Consultant Surgeon, the United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong, China.

- Professor Amr Helmy:

Professor, the National Liver Institute, Al Menoufiya, Cairo University , Egypt.

- Professor Husein Okasha:

Professor of Internal Medicine, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Qasr Al Eni, Cairo University , Egypt .