Right now, I have no reflection to share to you, and I just wanna share some fun. Berhubung (lagi) kaga ada kerjaan (one in a million neh pulang gasik begini kalo lagi di stase besar ;p) sambil nungguin jaga ntar jam 2, here I upload some pictures about yesterday *absolutely picked the good one :p
Jadi ceritanya kemarin kita karokean, dan aku joged-joged ples teriak-teriak gila setelah siangnya mewek-mewek depresi, eh bukan, Mixed-Anxiety-and-Depression Disorder (MAD) kalo kata para mantan koas jiwa ;p
Waktu gw nyari soal MAD ini, eh malah ketemunya inilah..
"depression is much more difficult to treat. In addition, when depression is accompanied by an anxiety disorder, the suicide rate among depression sufferers increases dramatically."
Kalo ada yang mau neliti bagaimana proses psikis orang sebelum bunuh diri dan sebelum berniat melakukannya, look at me. Perharps I wud be your most valuable candidate.
So back to our topic,
Joged-joged sambil treak-treak bernada.
It's really-really-REALLY fun doing it, you know.
Sekarang gua ngarti kenapa kalo di tipi-tipi orang stress itu dibawanya ke pante ato gunung dan disuruh treak. Sementara buat eik kalo begonoan mah ga ngaruh yeh, kalo dibawa ke pante mah mending foto-foto. Ato kalo ke gunung juga foto-foto sambil menikmati indahnya gunung. Mending buat jalan-jalan :p
I also like some words di album yang Jupe tulis di fb-nya
"antara forensik, bedah, radiologi, interna & apaan lagi dah tau ... we share our time, run from our hectic days ... make it better to face the 'unknown' tomorrow"
So, right now,
I have to move on about Thailand.
I have to give up my dreams..
My BIG dreams about Thailand
and backpacking around there.
One of my bestfriends yesterday told me something (again ~.~ )
That it isn't actually give up,
Let's make it simple.
It's just not my day..
It's another people's day...
Perhaps tomorrow I'll build a new one.
A better one.
Though tomorrow will remain unknown,
But still, don't stop here.
I won't just stop here.
And I won't just giving up.
Dont worry my friends,
Take your choice..
Take your chance..
That day could probably not mine
Because that day is yours..
...................... Apa sih yos?? --a ....................
So here I am.
Make it better to face the unknown tomorrow..
*damn, she really knew how to say it mysteriously!
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