Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Painting of My Life

There's a lot of colors on your brushes
And you only have one canvas to go on..
Once you put your brush to paint on it,
You can't take the colors back
neither erase it.

People around you
are the people who help you draw the painting of your life..
Some were blue..
Some were red..
Some were green..
Some were yellow...
and sometimes they are black...

If there were some people who throw some spots on your painting,
Don't you spill all the black color on it because you are mad...
Those spots won't worth more than the other colors

They come not for 'screwing' your painting
They come to make it much more worth than before
And you just need to believe that the painting of your life is worth a lot.

If you don't even believe that it is worth a lot,
How can people trust you that IT IS worth a lot!!

Believe in yourself..
And you'll see you have a lot of buyers on the waiting list..

Author : Josephine..
hey,,, it's me! :D